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Inspired by the speed and performance of cSearch, xSearch is designed for larger ecommerce sites that handle more traffic and require greater capacity. xSearch delivers extreme ecommerce search performance!

Compatibility: V10.x, Pro, ML, ML64, MultiStore
For pre-V10 carts please go to following link: xSearch pre-V10

This is a one domain, one cart license installation. To buy additional licenses for additional carts contact sales:

Installation Instructions

1) Install the Admin Compunix Add-on menu and add the following line into the add-on links section specified:

2) Copy the CompunixCommon.dll downloaded from the Code Base link into /bin directory.

3) Upload the license file/appconfig to your cart. If you don't have a license send an email to with your order number and domain information.

4) Copy/Merge the files from the "Modified files" directory in the .zip file to your web site's root folder. If your admin directory is not "admin", you may have to copy any files in the admin directory manually.

5) In the browser go to your, observe that Installation was successful.

6) Save files.

7) Navigate to your site and enter a search in the top search form. The new xSearch page will be used and loaded.

Additional Configuration

To modify the search behavior, please search for xSearch settings in Admin->Configuration->Setings and change the AppConfig values