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Compunix Product Documentation

Make Model Year AJAX Filters (MMY or YMM)

The Make Model Year AJAX Filters (MMY) are ideal for any Automotive sites, allowing customers to find products specific for their vehicle

Compatibility: MultiStore

This is a one domain, one cart license installation. To buy additional licenses for additional carts contact sales:

Installation Instructions

1) Install the Admin Compunix Add-on menu and add the following line into the add-on links section specified:

Carts up to MS9420: Carts MS9500 and newer:

2) Copy the CompunixCommon.dll downloaded from the Code Base link into /bin directory.

3) Upload the license file/appconfig to your cart. If you don't have a license send an email to with your order number and domain information.

4) Copy the files from the "Modified files" directory in the .zip file to your web site's root folder. If your admin directory is not "admin", you may have to copy any files in the admin directory manually.

5) The add on will auto install. Navigate to the "MMY Editor" page in the Admin via the new MMY admin menu and reset the cache.

6) Modules Placement/Activation:

a) Place the following placeholder into the MasterPage file of the skin where you would like the MMY dropdowns to appear:

The template files are found in /skins/skin_1/ and end with the ".master" extension.

b) Place the following placeholder into the MasterPage file of your skin where you would like the Current Selected MMY to appear:

To place in a XmlPackage, use:

c) Place the following placeholder into the MasterPage file of your skin where you would like the Current Selected MMY to appear:

To place in a XmlPackage, use:

d) The MMY product matching search results page is e-mmyproducts.aspx but is already linked by clicking the Search button under the MMY selection module's drop downs.

6) For the MMY data importing, fill up the MMYImportUpdateTemplate.xls found in the Admin directory. This file can be used for importing/updating of product + MMY data.

7) To set whether the MMY maps to the Variants or Products, see the appconfig called "Compunix.MMY.ProductMap.Type"