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Dealer/Distributor Locator with Google Maps for AspDotNetStorefront

Help customers find your dealers and distributors with this Google-powered locator.

Compatibility: MultiStore, V10.x

This is a one domain, one cart license installation. To buy additional licenses for additional carts contact sales:

Installation Instructions

1) Install the Admin Compunix Add-on menu and add the following line into the add-on links section specified:

Carts up to MS9420: Carts MS95x: Carts V10x:

2) Copy the correct version of CompunixCommon.dlldownloaded from the Code Base link into /bin directory.

3) Upload the license file/appconfig to your cart. If you don't have a license send an email to support@compunix.uswith your order number and domain information.

4) Copy/Merge the files from the "Modified files" directory in the .zip file to your web site's root folder. If your admin directory is not "admin", you may have to copy any files in the admin directory manually.

5) Navigate to http://www.[yourdomain].com/DealerLocator.aspx or http://www.[yourdomain].com/DealerLocator/Install for V.10

6) In the admin press the "reset Cache" or "Refresh Cart" for V.10 button

7) To change most settings, search in the appconfigs or stringresources for "Compunix.Dealer".

Get your API key at:get-api-key and then enter it to AppConfig "Compunix.DealerLocator.SimpleAPIAccessKey.Browser"