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Compunix Product Documentation


cSearch improves the user experience of your ecommerce shopping cart system with advanced search functionality, making it easier for your customers to quickly find exactly what they're looking for. Expanding on the search capabilities of the AspDotNetStorefront shopping cart platform, we recommend cSearch for all ecommerce systems.

Compatibility: Pro, ML, ML64, MultiStore

This is a one domain, one cart license installation. To buy additional licenses for additional carts contact sales:

Installation Instructions

1) Install the Admin Compunix Add-on menu and add the following line into the add-on links section specified:

Carts up to MS9420: Carts MS9500 and newer:

2) Copy the CompunixCommon.dll downloaded from the Code Base link into /bin directory.

3) Upload the license file/appconfig to your cart. (If you don't have a license send an email to with your order number and domain information.)

4) Copy the files from the "Modified files" directory in the .zip file to your website's root folder. (If your admin directory is not "admin", you may have to copy any files in the admin directory manually.)

5) Copy the /[Admin Directory]/EntityHelper/EntityArrayListXML.xslt file into the root /EntityHelper directory. (This file was removed in MS9200.)

6) In your App_Templates/Skin_X/template.master, place the following code to actualize the search from your template/design instead of the cart default search.

If you're using additional templates, place the code in all template files.


cSearch (with statistics)

7) Save files.

8) Navigate to your website in a web browser and perform a search - the new cSearch page will be loaded.

If you're using the statistics version, simply log in to the cart as an admin and find the cSearchs.aspx page with a link at the top for statistics.

Additional Configuration

To disable searching within certain fields, create the appconfig referring to the field you want to omit and make its AppConfig value true:

Displaying features AppConfigs:

Spelling suggestions

1) Navigate in your browser to create an AppID

2) With the AppID, create an appconfig called cSearch.BingSpellingAppID

3) Place the AppID from step 1 into the value of the AppConfig


To disable caching on cSearch create the appconfig cSearch.Disallow.Caching and set to true


MultiStore/v9 (includes statistics)

Carts v801x

Carts v8