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Admin Menu Limiter

Setup different Admin menus for each customer level in your cart!

Compatibility: MultiStore

This is a one domain, one cart license installation. To buy additional licenses for additional carts contact

Installation Instructions

1) Install the Admin Compunix Add-on menu and add the following line into the add-on links section specified:

Carts up to MS9420: Carts MS9500 and newer:

2) Copy the CompunixCommon.dlldownloaded from the Code Base link into /bin directory.

3) To add a menu option for our add-ons, please open up the AdminMenu.ascx.cs file located in Web\Admin\Controls\ directory.

Around line 52, just after:

Paste the following code:

5) Save and upload.

6) Go to your site's Admin console and reset the cache.

Additional Configuration

When initially installed, the menu is not limited. To limit the menu, be sure you have Customer Levels setup in the admin and applied to the Admin customer logins.

To limit a specific Customer Level menu, create the following AppConfig Compunix.Admin.LimitMenuByCustomerLevel.#where # is the Customer Level ID.

Limiting the menu items is as easy as adding the names of the admin menu links into this AppConfig, separating each item with a comma. For example, if you would like to limit the customers/admins of Customer Level 1 to omit the admin Home and Help menu items, create an AppConfig called Compunix.Admin.LimitMenuByCustomerLevel.1 and set its value to Home,Help